Choosing from a large menu of day schools for your child can be stressful. Youtube channel Indian Prairie School District 204 showcases their school and all the programs and services it offers.
Any child that lives a mile or greater away from their school will be provided school bus transportation.
Those who live less than a mile away are considered “walkers” where other transportation options are available.
The classrooms have very flexible seating arrangements and are very interactive. Core classes include social studies, math, English language arts (ELA) and science. Other courses include arts and physical education. Lunch and recess give children a total of 35 minutes throughout the day to eat and play. An extensive library is also included. There, a student can learn how to research and check out books.
During school hours, the doors remain locked. Any visitor has to be buzzed in, provide a personal form of identification, have a background check run, be given a visitor’s badge, and have to sign in and out.
At the end of the school day, all the children are organized by the school staff to ensure that each child is provided a safe means of traveling home.