When you have been injured at work in Chicago, a lot is going through your mind. The first thing after your medical care is serous life concerns about money and your income. Some people even go back to work when they are not well, because they need money. Chicago injury lawyer Scott DeSalvo helps people that have been injured at work and are making a workers compensation claim. In this video, he explains how workers compensation lawyers work, and how they get paid.
If you are worried about income after you’ve been hurt at work, you are probably worried about how to pay for workers compensation lawyers.
You may not even want to get them involved for that reason. When you work with a lawyer on your workers compensation case, you won’t have to pay anything upfront. Scott DeSalvo discusses workers compensation lawyers here, and how they get paid. He discusses certain exceptions to contingency rates, what those exceptions mean, and how he does not pursue them. Watch Scott DeSalvo of the Law Office of Scott DeSalvo explain workers compensation lawyers and their fee structures here.